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I've played all the "progress / tower" games, and this one is one of the best made, balance and lore and "connectedness" are all well done.

My biggest gripe with this one is that item stats are really hard to read. Showing both the item stats and removed/recalculated stats in the same side panel makes it quite hard to see the actual item stats. The equipment UI needs a rework.

I'm glad you like it!

I agree it needs a rework. I will get around to changing it so that there is more room and comparing is easier. 

Until then, you can unequip the Equipment for a given slot, and you'll be able to see the stats of each item without any comparisons.

any idea why my progress got delated?

Saving on the web version has always been finicky. I think I have fixed it so that saves won't get deleted from version A.2.1.0 onwards, but I can't guarantee anything. 

Cloud Save was supposed to fix the saving issue for the web, but the Cloud Save I use doesn't work with the web version for security reasons. I hope to fix this soon.

For now, I suggest using the downloaded version of the game as it does not have any of these issues (and has Cloud Save).

Something seems to have happened and with the most recent (downloaded) version; the level frequently fais to load, forcing a quit. Alt+f4 works so it's not completely crashed


Yeah, this happens if you play one run, then play a run as Stan. I made a mistake with adding the new map for Stan. A fix will be uploaded in a few hours.

For now, closing and reopening the game will fix it with no penalty. Sorry about that!

Is there currently any way to transfer saves from the web version to the desktop version? 

Not yet, but the Cloud Save is coming soon! I hope to have it for next update, but I need to do some more testing.

I am saying this as someone who's played a game of a similar format (though not as animated as yours), and in response to another commenter's comment.

Considering that excess EPs are carried over and to be used in the next location (i.e., a continuation as opposed to fresh start), I'd argue that the current final bosses' difficulty levels are just right. They are after all not the FINAL-final bosses. Perhaps if any adjustment is to be made, maybe it could go into the next stages' development instead, e.g., somehow make the enemies difficult for Stan's natural attributes but easier on Apolonia's.

Well done, Noobilator7! It is an addictive game. In my experience, even my already being familiar with the game format does not take away from the gratification.

Perhaps if any adjustment is to be made, maybe it could go into the next stages' development instead, e.g., somehow make the enemies difficult for Stan's natural attributes but easier on Apolonia's.

The first stage you'll be able to play after completing Glades with Apolonia and Stan, is... Apolonia and Stan working as a team, fighting in the same battles. So they'll be naturally balancing each other out.

I'm happy you enjoyed the game! I hope you'll come back as more content gets added.

very fun game. i beat it with stan. it was a bit rough in the beginning with his low hp but his amazing attack and agility just shredded enemies before turn 15ish where they start hitting each other randomly lol.  I noticed that he got nerfed, but his damage output is still leagues higher than Apolonia's haha. 

some of my other thoughts:

beating the final boss of glades was rather underwhelming

core gameplay loop got a bit stale towards the end, felt somewhat grindy

I never got to reach those (??? difficulty) mysterious islands, any idea how to get there?

liked the game a lot, keep up the good work! also im excited for whats coming next!

beating the final boss of glades was rather underwhelming

What do you think is missing? Is it too easy? Do you think the Final Bosses should have custom animations?

core gameplay loop got a bit stale towards the end, felt somewhat grindy

I agree, but I think some people love the grind. I will say though, Stan's endgame was balanced around having already beaten the game on Apolonia. So the benefits Apolonia would've provided through extra Boss Points would've made it feel a lot less grindy.

I never got to reach those (??? difficulty) mysterious islands, any idea how to get there?

Those will be available in a future update :)

Thanks for the feedback!

Primarily I was disappointed with how sudden the ending was, because

1. I didn't even realize the fairy was a final boss and

2. dialogue afterward felt akin to "hooray, you beat the final boss"

I was expecting some more lore lol. The final bosses werent easy (especially the other final boss - the first time I fought it I didn't make a dent on its purple hp bar). As for custom animations, I love minimalist games so personally that's icing on the cake. I'd honestly prefer more content. 

I think you misunderstood that I only played with Stan. I actually got both Stan and Apolonia to beat the goblin boss, then beat the game on Stan since Apolonia's weak damage at the later stages ends up getting me into the "overtime" at turn 15ish, where her high hp and defense just don't matter anymore. Maybe I've haven't been allocating her stat points optimally.

sorry for the late reply and again, fun game, haven't had this much fun playing a browser game for a while :)

I was expecting some more lore lol.

You're right, it doesn't feel finished. Keep in mind that this is an alpha test, where you're only seeing 2% - 5% of the game's main story. Final game will be 100+ hours long, so this story is just beginning. The idea is that after defeating the final boss, the story and lore will continue  being explained in the second Zone (Oasis).

I think you misunderstood that I only played with Stan.

Oh I see now, yeah Apolonia needs to spend a lot of Stat Points on Attack/Agility/Luck because she already has so much Defense.

I'm glad you like the game though! I hope you'll come back when more content gets added.

I really wish you could quickly cose the shop/stats up menu with tab/q/esc or a key like that, would make playing the game a lot smoother.


You can! Pressing the "x" key will close any menu. Check the hotkeys section in the Settings menu to see which hotkeys are available to you!

The nerfs hit Stan like a ton of bricks. Keep getting 2 shot and defense doesn't help because he only gets 2 per stat point.

You can still go full Attack on Stan, but it is much harder (and risky). Balancing Health, Attack, and Defense is key now. Because the Stamina mechanic has been removed, being tanky enough to live for 10 to 15 turns is optimal for winning the most battles.

(1 edit)

I was playing then I made that comment and left to go do other stuff. Now I log in and my save data is gone again.

The last update was about 20 hours ago, so I don't think that one was because of an update.  Some people never have issues with the saving on the web version. Some people are constantly having issues with the saving on the web version. I don't think this is an issue I can reliably fix until Cloud Saving is the main saving method. The only thing I can suggest is downloading the game, as that won't have any save issues.


Huh. Just got here, was super hyped about seeing the new version having come out - and apparently have lost my progress. Not sure why, haven't cleared cache or anything like that. Not super worried about it honestly, but figured I should mention it, wasn't sure if it was intentional or not.

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for mentioning this! This does seem to be a widespread issue, which is different from the random deletions that happen on the web version. I think this happened because I added a new difficulty mode.  I'm sorry about this! It is not intentional for players to lose progress. I will try to add cloud saving as soon as possible so that this doesn't happen again.

I liked the game overall and if the development progresses at this quality level, this game will surely deserve at least a 4-star rating (or Steam thumbs-up).
Regarding constructive critic:

My personal playstyle is very agility/luck based. So far I played 2/1/2/4/4 and 2/2/1/4/4 so far. Currently it feels like the game is not supposed to be played like that?

I have trouble identifying when to progress into the next zone and the punishment for doing so too early, or having a build around luck where random loss is part of the build, is very harsh. With just a dozen or so allowed fights (unless slightly modified by equipment), every loss in a playthrough hurts very much, especially when the level-up curve is so extreme (which I generally approve of!).

I would accept this as part of my playstyle if I had not felt like hitting a progression cap. Persistent equipment is migrating the problems, but I seemed to have capped the buyable equipment quite far and to unlock other slots I would need to replay the game in other style I enjoy less. Maybe do not cap the equipment slots behind that criteria?

For the equipment, some random-stat dynamic equipment may help lessen that issue (Diablo-Style)?

As of now, I would probably rate it 3-Stars (subjectively due to my playstyle), but as it is "just an alpha", it does not deserve this as a public rating.


I have trouble identifying when to progress into the next zone and the punishment for doing so too early, or having a build around luck where random loss is part of the build, is very harsh.

The game is meant to allow you to meaningfully impose your own playstyle on to the characters, but unfortunately, not to the regard that you might be hoping for. 

Your experience has been heavily negatively impacted by your stat allocation. The first Character is all about having great defensive stats as she has lots of armor. As a tradeoff, she doesn't get much luck or agility. You can see how many stats you get per stat point in the Extra Info section of the Stat Allocation menu. Characters are partially bound by their inherent weaknesses and strengths, making your playstyle hard to pull off on the first Character.

Additionally, the problem with your allocation is that Agility and Luck are only as powerful as your Attack Stat. Agility gives Combos, increases Crit damage, and Luck increases the chance for those Crits. This synergy where Agility and Luck and Attack all benefit each other means you can't skip out on Attack.

With just a dozen or so allowed fights (unless slightly modified by equipment), every loss in a playthrough hurts very much, especially when the level-up curve is so extreme (which I generally approve of!).

You get almost 50 Encounters by the end of the game because defeating a boss gives back Encounter Points. To get to that point though, you need to have a somewhat appropriate Allocation spread.

For the equipment, some random-stat dynamic equipment may help lessen that issue (Diablo-Style)?

In a way, this already exists. You are meant to have the ability to get all non-accessory equipment slots unlocked before the first boss. And each equipment type specializes in a different stat. Your weapon gives Attack, your armor gives health, your shield gives Defense, your helmet gives Luck, and your boots give Agility. This way, you'll always have a little bit of everything.

I can only really see your Allocation spread working on 2 out of the 8 planned characters. And I want to keep it this way. You are meant to be able to strategize to bring out the strengths of your characters, while also bringing into consideration what your power fantasy is. The problem is that you can only do that to an extent. Making it so that you could do whatever you wanted Allocation wise removes a core part of the strategy of this game.

Thanks for the feedback! I'm sorry that your playstyle doesn't work well on the first character. But because many players like the game for very same qualities that make you dislike the game, I'm afraid I won't be changing this mechanic.

I think I see the issue here. I would not seriously try to play "a warrior as a ninja", but the other character choicer were not there, so this implied to me on my first playthrough, that this was a generic character that I can evolve based on the stat allocations.

I would suggest to show all available characters in locked form and give a brief design description for the player to identify how each character is meant to be played. Something basic as "Warrior", "Ranger", "Mage" would already be enough to give an easy understanding what playstyle they would be in for.

I would assume that the other issues will become irrelevant once that is pointed out.

That's a great idea! There are archetypes I had in mind when designing the optimal playstyles for the characters, but which archetype I chose isn't clear. But uh... unfortunately there are only two characters right now lol. I will add this though, thanks for the suggestion!


New blood in the genre of Inflation RPG. (Not sure if it is right to refer to another game to describe the genre.) Let's move on to the game now. Overall, I liked the beginning. After playing a little, I noticed that there is some kind of plot, which gives advantages to this game, unlike similar ones. I also liked how the author describes the mechanics gradually, which adds additional advantages. As for the balance, I would say that it is present, and this cannot but please. Otherwise, we also run through the zones, farm experience, gold and deal with the management status.

I hope the author will not abandon the project, like some game developers. I can only wish him success.

Upd: my native language is not English, so there may be an error in this review. I hope the game will be released on Google Play, I have a lot of acquainted who are into such games, so I will ask them to leave their feedback.

Love the concept, and i thoroughly enjoyed the execution so far! Looking forward to the future updates


kinda sad i seemed to lost my progress when i reopened the game

Are you on the web? If you don't allow your browser to save data or if you clear your cookies/browser history your save could get deleted. Unfortunately, that problem is inherent to web versions and is not something I can fix.

i was on ios browser, closed the game to run some errands, and when reopening the game, it had reset

(1 edit)

The game should save automatically multiple times per run. If you try doing one encounter and then refresh the page, does the game save?

my only complaint is that the rest of the game isnt out yet 🔥🔥🔥 (but fr this thing is a banger but the question is: when the rest of the game is released will it be released on itch too is it all moving to steam?)

I'm glad you've been liking it! 

I will keep it on as many platforms as possible, so long as it makes sense. Right now I see no reason to stop, so itch will continue to get all of the updates.

Yes yes yes, brother (Yippeee)

I get a black screen whenever I try to play fullscreen.

If you click again, the black screen goes away. It's a weird issue, I think I know the solution and I'll see if it works on the next update.

(2 edits)

Thanks I got it to work. Is it possible to get to the area with level ????. I beat the story but I'm still missing 5 minions.

Not yet, but those areas do not contribute to your total Defeated Minion count. You're missing those Minions from currently accessible areas. Next update will have this:

This will very easily let you see which enemies you have not yet defeated.

For a game in some of its earliest stages it is already quite fun, obviously there's a lot of room for improvement which will come with time, development and growing the amount of resources you can use. With some better art, a more fleshed out story, larger cast of characters, etc. It would definitely scream a good indie game to play especially since it seems the only IAPs are going to be DLC set aside from the main story,

Personally, I believe the very first zone needs to be expanded as it is quite a small zone considering the maximum level for xp percentage growth is 10k it would make sense for the final boss to be slightly below or slightly above 10k, slightly above sounds better as it would force the player to be smarter with their stat assignments

Second thing is that progression feels too easy  but also too hard in the sense that after roughly 3 runs all equipment slots with the first character are unlocked and probably 5-6 runs with the second character. The second character took around 10-15 runs before all bosses were beaten considering the attack + Crit + Initial Combo melting the health on any enemies. I believe I beat both final bosses with a final health of 1500 and defence of 7800. The first character in contrast feels a lot weaker obviously more targetted towards health which is quite useless given the enemies gain a dmg multiplier after 11 turns with each turn afterwards increasing their multiplier by x2 theron. Ideally it would be better if they gained damage reduction for say 10% with a 10% increase for 5 turns followed by a dmg increase of x2 or 10% for another 5 turns allowing the player a bit more leeway. I have yet to beat the main story with character one, I have had upwards of 50k health on top of 100k damage a 50% crit chance and 4.4x crit rate and didn't stand a chance against the final bosses. It's for this reason that I think enemies need that slight little rework

The equipment also needs a bit of refining. For the 2nd character there is a weapon you can get after your last encounter with the blue haired girl that is weaker in every way in comparison to the weapon prior while being more expensive and ultimately useless outside of the 0.2% increase in xp rate. In general though equipment mainly feels quite useless, I like the idea of buying equipment but having more lootable equipment would be nice along with having some kind of weapon refinement/upgrading but also possibly a con for the weapons if they are "OP" or a pro if they are "weak". Say for example you have an axe that gives you 7500 atk plus 20% damage increase, it could have the con of reducing your agility and defence giving you a minus to your stats or you might have a flimsy sword that deals 500 atk but gives a permanent crit rate increase of 2x so if you had 3.5x it would then be 5.5x when equipped

Having a way to speed up combat and also flee from combat would also be nice mainly just for the whole speedrun aspect for those skillpoints, maybe attach that stuff to something like a relic system where relics are found upon monumental achievements like beating a zone within a time limit, losing a certain amount of fights, win a certain amount of fights with low health, etc. Things that take skill and dedication and reward the player with silly or serious artifacts that could benefit them or make their gameplay that bit more difficult. Again as an example, speeding up combat could be linked to the speed you beat a zone, faster you beat the zone faster you can speed combat up or fleeing from combat being a cowards way out from losing too many fair fights e.g fights which your current level could normally handle and also requiring all stat points to be used to avoid people just going to a level 100 zone as a level 1 to easily obtain the relic.

The art was another thing, that just comes down to having one solid art style, that will come when there is a budget that can be put into the development process of the game and a reliable artist to do that sort of work.

Again considering its in its earliest state its a game that had me hooked for a couple hours and once in its finished state I think I'd gladly purchase the game, don't undervalue it, once it starts to look good and play good there's nothing wrong with charging people to play it, a game can be made for fun and still help put funds towards either a sequel, expansion or personal life expenses and if the game is addictive enough with a thrilling gameplay loop, worthwhile story and sense of accomplishment people will definitely buy it. 

Overall I'd give this game a solid 7/10  considering it being an alpha release. 1 point off because nothing is perfect another off for the art and the last point off for the progression regarding character 1 good job making the foundations of a worthwhile game!

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